Saturday, October 2, 2010

Look It's free Willy

This morning I woke up early (6am) to get ready to go see some whales! What I didn't realize until I walked out of the house, was that it had been raining all night & into the morning. So I was wearing flip-flops & capris. I was very thankful that Craig & Karen had brought my jacket from home! We only saw 3 whales. :( One of them was far far far behind the boat & the other two were close to the front & right of the boat. They would just surface then dive back down. So I saw them blow the water out of there spout and then dive and splash their tails!
It was an amazing experience!
Super excited to see some whales!
It was either this boat or a sketchy raft looking one!
The water was really choppy which made the ride out kind of fun!

OMG! I almost looked away, cause while the lady was taking my picture, a whale popped up in front of the boat!
Port Maquarie
(PS Mom, That's the new hat I told you about! lol)

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