Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Australian Slang

Thought I should pick up on the lingo so I don't make a complete drongo out of myself!

>A few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock: someone who is mentally 'not quite there.
>Ankle biter: small child, also called a rug rat
>Baccy: tobacco
>Badcase of the trots:- diarrhea
>Barbie: Barbecue
>Bathers: a swimming costume, but only in Victoria and South Australia. Also see Togs.
>Cackleberry: an egg
>Cheesed off: very annoyed
>Dead Horse: tomatoe sauce
>Didjeridoo, didgeridoo: An Australian Aboriginal musical instrument made from a hollow log.
>Drongo: a stupid, inept, awkward or embarrassing person
>Earbash: to chatter or talk incessantly to the point of boring or nagging
>Exercise book: a school workbook.
>Flake: fillet of shark meat.
>Furphy: a rumour
>G'day: the universal Australian friendly greeting, as in hello.
>Hoof: a foot
>Humdinger: an excellent something.
>idiot box: television
>Ivories: your teeth.
>Jaffle: a toasted sandwich
>Joe blake: a snake
>Knackered: puzzled or exhausted.
>Leckie:- and electrician
>manchesternoun:- household linen.
>Moo juice: milk
>Nappy: the correct word for diaper
>Neddies: racing horses.
>Off one's face: to be extremely drunk.
>Oz: alternate spelling of Aus, short for Australia
>Pash: a long and enthusiastic kiss
>Pikelet: small pancake
>Quack: a doctor, especially a bad one
>Rake: a comb
>Rice bubblesnoun:- the correct name for rice krispies
>Serviette: a table napkin.
>Tea: the evening meal
>Toot: toilet
>Underground mutton: rabbit
> Vegemite: a savory spread eaten on sandwiches and toast
> Waffle: nonsense
> Windscreen: windshield
> Yank: an American
> Yobbo: an uncouth person
> Zebra Crossing: pedestrian crossing with white lines on blacktop
> Zeds: to do with sleep.

I bet your just as confused as I am!!



  1. Just came across your blog while randomly blog surfing and thought I would add my two bobs' worth to this post!

    Probably only about half of these words and phrases are commonly used in Australia these days, but as an Aussie (currently living in Canada) I can tell you some others you'll definitely encounter!

    I've never heard of a toilet being called a toot (which is more likely to mean "fart"), but you'll definitely hear it called "the loo", and maybe even "the dunny". But "toilet" is your safest bet (used in place of "bathroom").

    In terms of lingo you may encounter as an au pair, watch out for...
    Nurse a baby = cuddle or hold a baby. Can lead to embarrassment if you don't know this!
    Nappy = this one's in your list and correct. :)
    Pram = stroller.
    Dummy = pacifier/ soother.

    Food related...
    Yes, tea is the evening meal, but it can also be called dinner (although so can a hot midday meal).
    Brekkie = breakfast.
    Morning tea, afternoon tea and smoko (originates from smoke break) = coffe/snack break between meals.
    Supper = final snack before bed.
    Tucker = food (eg. a cry of "tucker time!" means the meal is ready).
    Tuckshop = canteen (particularly at school).
    And tipping is never required, anywhere.

    Car related...
    Bitumen = blacktop/ tarmac.
    Boot = trunk.
    Bonnet = hood.
    Windscreen = windshield.

    Anyway, you'll figure it all out - I was just quite tickled to read this and wanted to say g'day. Enjoy your adventure!

    PS. You used "drongo" perfectly. :)

  2. I'm so glad I found your blog. My dad does a ton of business in Perth and I'm going to be staying with him for a month in January so it's been fun to see your pictures and read your experience in the country. What an awesome experience for you too!
    Ok, woman to woman- how are the guys in Australia? haha :)
