I met a girl from New York! She is really nice & we went on a search for the Dip n Dots shop! Amazing that they had them I know!! She showed me the other side of the harbour, which I had yet to be on. It was the historic area known as The Rocks. It was a fun afternoon!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
My dreams have been crushed...
Well what you probably don't know is that you have to register & be put in a raffle to get tickets.
I registered for both of the two tapings at the Opera House.
24 hours later, I recieved this e-mail:
"Thank you for your interest in attending The Oprah Show from Sydney, Australia.
Unfortunately, we were unable to accommodate your request(s) for this ticket reservation window due to overwhelming demand. We will email you if more tickets become available for these tapings of The Oprah Show in Sydney, Australia.
The Oprah Show Audience Team
So after I finish crying, I move on! Only to recieve this ANOTHER 24 hrs later:
"Thank you for your interest in attending 'The Oprah Show' from Sydney, Australia. You are receiving this email because we have had reports that some of you may not have been able to view the previous version that was sent. We are sending this email to ensure you are aware of the status of your ticket request(s). Unfortunately, we were unable to accommodate your request(s) for this ticket reservation window due to overwhelming demand. We will email you if more tickets become available for these tapings of The Oprah Show in Sydney, Australia. We apologize for any confusion you may have encountered.
The Oprah Show Audience Team
Thank you Oprah Team for not only crushing my dreams once, but kicking me while I was down! I see how it is. UGH!!!
PS: Oprah, that A380 Quantas plane your flying your 300 fans on has been grounded for weeks due to engines blowing up! Enjoy the flight jerks!
(ok so that was a little mean...Oprah please tell your captain, John Travolta to try not to crash)
So Piper has the mumps. A childhood disease that I have never had. Uh Oh... So she is home with me all this week. Quarantined basically. Which is unfortunate, because the weather is beautiful after a week of rain and thunderstorms. Mumps is transferred through saliva and these kids are dribble machines. I am about 115% positive that it has already been spread from Piper to Bella and most likely to me. Although, we can't be sure because of the dormant period. Oh boy!
Where is the super genius we are waiting for that can cure this crap??
Hmm...that is what I would like to know.
Redbull Flugtag 2010
Super Schooner
(men all dresed up as brides was HILARIOUS)
This was a great thing to go see!
This was a great thing to go see!
I met up with a group of people who were from the states.
I got really sunburnt on my face & now have racoon eyes!
(shame on me for not wearing sunscreen)
It was super duper hot and redbull was exceptionally cheap that day!
Oh did I mention there were 30,000 people there?!?
An Au-Pair Weekend
Friday, November 5, 2010
It's great! I have met a group of girls who all happen to be from Germany!
They are all great fun!
(Next time we ge together I will get a piccie!)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Clovelly Beach
Ate lunch at a really good restraunt
(Ceaser Salad...YUMMY!)
(Ceaser Salad...YUMMY!)
Then we went to a little beach
Svenja & I went exploring while the rest played in the water!
The car fits 7 people. It was loaded with 3 carseats, 4 adults, 1 pram, & 3 beach bags.
I think the word I am looking for is..
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Im Having Withdrawls
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
It's Official
As of 6:35am this 5th Tuesday of October,
I have been in Australia for
one month!
Good thing or bad thing?!?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Look It's free Willy
This morning I woke up early (6am) to get ready to go see some whales! What I didn't realize until I walked out of the house, was that it had been raining all night & into the morning. So I was wearing flip-flops & capris. I was very thankful that Craig & Karen had brought my jacket from home! We only saw 3 whales. :( One of them was far far far behind the boat & the other two were close to the front & right of the boat. They would just surface then dive back down. So I saw them blow the water out of there spout and then dive and splash their tails!
It was an amazing experience!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Shipped Off To Granny's
While the upstairs part of the house was being painted, Karen & Craig thought it would be much easier for them and Taylor to live downstairs. Meaning, I would have to share my room & they would be sleeping on a matress in the lounge room.
So as a solution, Karen's mum (Pam)(Yes I just said mum!) suggested that myself & the babies came to Port Macquarie for the week. Sunday night, we traveled four hours & arrived at Granny's house
Gotta love Piper!

Piper lights up when she sees Bella!
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